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听下面5 段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.When will the speakers get to the theater if they leave now?

A.At 7:35. B.At 7:45. C.At 8:20.

2.Where are the speakers?

A.At a department store.

B.At an airport.

C.At a restaurant.

3.What does the woman ask the man to do right now?

A.Watch TV. B.Go to bed.

C.Do homework.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.The film is too long.

B.The film is too short.

C.The film is boring.

5.What will the man do?

A.Fly a kite with the woman.

B.Fly a kite by himself.

C.Stay at home.



听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第8三个小题。


6.Where does the woman want to go at first?

A.The New York Hotel.

B.The Central Park.

C.The subway station.

7.How will the woman get to the Central Park?

A.By bus. B.By air. C.By subway.

8.Where should the woman get off as the man advised?

A.At 44th Street.

B.At 45th Street.

C.At 46th Street.


9.What will the speakers have as breakfast?

A.Rice. B.Fruit. C.Sandwiches.

10.What kind of sandwich does the boy like?

A.The chicken sandwich.

B.The beef sandwich.

C.The vegetable sandwich.

11.Why did the boy’s dad sleep late last night?


A.He overworked last night.

B.He went to meet his friend.

C.He lost sleep last night.


12.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At the bus station.

B.At the train station.

C.At the airport.

13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Good friends.

B.Husband and wife.


14.What is the man going to do next?

A.To spend a holiday.

B.To start a new business.

C.To meet a new customer.

听下面一段对话,回答第15 至第17三个小题。

15.What are the two speakers?

A.Teachers on the same tour.

B.Lecturers at a conference.

C.A tourist and a scientist.

16.What was the man in China for?

A.For a conference.

B.For a lecture.

C.For a tour.

17.How many cities in China has the woman ever been to?

A.None. B.One. C.Four.


18.What happened to Sam?

A.He was knocked down by a truck.

B.He fell to the ground when crossing the road.

C.He stopped the truck driver when crossing the road.

19.Who asked the driver to stop?

A.The little boy.

B.The boy’s mother.


20.Why did David help that poor woman?

A.She had no money.

B.She couldn’t walk.

C.She was David’s neighbor.



Text 1

W:We’ll have to hurry if we don’t want to miss the beginning of the play.It’s already 7:30.

M:Well,it only takes 15 minutes to get to the theater and the play doesn’t begin until 8 o’clock.

Text 2

M:Yes,Madam.Can I help you?

W:I hope so.I’d like to ask about flights from Beijing to London,please.

Text 3

W:David,have you finished your homework yet?

M:No,I haven’t,Mum.

W:Then turn off the TV and do your homework at once.And you have to go to bed before nine o’clock because you need to get up early tomorrow morning.

Text 4

M:What did you do last night?

W:I went to the cinema.

M:Really?Did you enjoy it?

W:I’m afraid I didn’t like it at all.It’s far from interesting.

Text 5

W:The weather is so nice.I’m going to fly a kite.

M:That’s a good idea.I think I’ll join you.

Text 6

W:Excuse me,Sir.I’m a stranger here and have lost my way.

M:Where do you want to go?

W:I want to return to my hotel,the New York Hotel.

M:Go straight along this road,then go over the bridge and turn right at the bookshop.You’ll find your hotel.

W:Thank you.By the way,can you direct me to the Central Park?

M:Oh,it’s so far from here.You can take the subway.

W:How long will it take me if I walk there?

M:It might take you three quarters of an hour.

W:Well,where is the subway station?

M:You just turn left and walk three blocks and you’ll find it.

W:Where should I get off?

M:Get off at 45th Street.

Text 7

W:Hi,Sam!It’s eight o’clock now.Get up quickly.It’s time for breakfast.

M:I don’t really want to get up.

W:What would you like for breakfast?Sam.

M:I’m not quite hungry now.Let me think for a while.What kind of food do you prepare,Mum?

W:Sandwiches,bread and vegetables.

M:Are they chicken sandwiches or vegetable ones?

W:Chicken sandwiches.

M:Great!They’re my favorite.

W:What do you want to drink?Juice or milk?


W:Wash your hands before you eat.

M:OK,Mum.But where’s Dad?

W:He’s sleeping.

M:Sleeping?Why?It’s eight o’clock already.Dad is too lazy.

W:No,Sam.He slept rather late last night because he went to the station to meet his friend.Don’t wake him up.Let him sleep a little more.


Text 8

M:Where is Pamela?

W:Is she coming?

M:She told me she would be here.

W:They’re announcing your flight.You’d better get on board the plane.

M:Are you rushing me?

W:I’m just reminding you of the time.You don’t want to miss the plane,do you?

M:I know what I’m doing.Don’t you worry…Can you do me a favor?

W:Of course,please name it.

M:Take care of Pamela when I’m away.I don’t want her to get hurt or anything.

W:You’ve got it.

M:Thank you.Now I see that you’re my true friend.

W:Well,I hope you’ll have a nice flight and a successful start in business in Beijing.

M:Thank you.I have to leave now.If you see Pamela,tell her that I’ll write to her.

W:OK.I will.Have a pleasant trip!

M:Thank you.Bye!

Text 9

W:Our flight has been delayed 2 hours.My husband will be waiting anxiously at London Airport.

M:You’d better make a phone call and tell him about the situation here.

W:Right.What are you here for?

M:I was at a two-week international conference on Space Technology in Beijing.

W:How interesting!I was there with a tour.

M:Really?How did you find it?

W:Beijing deserves to be the capital of this country.Apart from Beijing,I went to Shanghai,Hangzhou and Nanjing.Those trips are among the ones I’ve enjoyed most ever.China is really rich in its history and tradition.Is this your first trip to China?

M:No.I come here every year but always on business.I have had no chance to visit tour spots.

W:What a pity!Excuse me,I’ll go and phone my husband.

Text 10

M:Mrs. Brown will never forget the day,the 14th of July,when she and her family were at a picnic and Sam,her three-year-old son,ran across the busy road nearby.Halfway across,the little boy suddenly fell to the ground when a truck was coming towards him very fast.Just then,a tall strong man called David rushed into the road and held up his hand to the truck driver to stop.The truck came to a stop just before them,and David carried the boy off the road.The boy was saved.This was not the first time for David.Once he learned that a poor woman couldn’t buy enough food for her children.He got baskets of food ready and the next day the woman was surprised to find her car filled with a lot of food.It is nothing new to his family and the people in the town.David is always ready to give a helping hand to others.He often says to people,“Everyone is happy when you do well to others.”



11~15 BCABC 16~20ACBCA




● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(30)(录音+原文+答案)

● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(31)(录音+原文+答案)

● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(32)(录音+原文+答案)

● 听力打卡| 高中英语听力专项训练(33)(录音+原文+答案)

● 听力打卡 | 高中英语听力专项训练(34)(录音+原文+答案)







▐标签:高考英语 英语听力

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