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小程序开发2年前 (2023-03-21)1183




There are more than 1,500 students in our school. We have math,

English, Chinese, music, art ,P.E and so on. Our teachers are friendly

to us . Although they are strict with us on all subjects, we love them

very much. In class, they teach us knowledges, after class, they often

play games with us. Such as football, Ping-pong, volleyball.

求一篇以“我们能为学校做什么”的英语作文,100词左右。 急用

What we can do for our school School is a studying place for us and it's a second home,so we must build a harmonious school . Everyday we study with our classmate and teacher .We share our our happiness and sarrow each other .In order to building a good relationship .We should often care about them . Our studying can benefit from a beautiful environment . So we wust beautify our school environment sothat make our out of studying"pressure School equipment can help our studying . The action ,which protect all equipment in our school from destroying can give us many benefits . It make our studying convinient . Schoolyard is a studying place .In order to making our studying more effective . We must build a good atmosphere. We can help each other and make progress in the same place! 我们可以为我们的学校 学校是学习的地方,这是我们一家,所以我们必须构建和谐学校。每天我们研究我们的同学和老师。我们分享我们的快乐和悲伤等。为建立良好的关系。我们应该经常关心他们。我们的研究可以受益于一个美丽的环境。所以我们必须美化我们的校园环境,使我们的学习压力学校的设备可以帮助我们学习。行动,保护所有设备在我们学校的破坏可以给我们许多好处。它使我们的学习方便。学校是一个学习的地方。为了使我们的学习更有效。我们必须建立一个良好的氛围。我们可以互相帮助和进步,在同一个地方!


Title: what to do in the school as a student?

Undoubtly, first thing first as a student is to go school everyday. A good student is never absent in the school. The next important thing is to study, i.e., listen what the teacher say in the class and abide by the school rules in the class break. And other important things are to participate every activity organized by school authority such as school art show, English competition, and spots games.

Yes another important thing is to take place any off school training class arranged by teachers and pay the charge or so-called study fee in time.



In the school the teacher will teach us many knowledge, let us become more intelligent. In school, homecoming and play with us, studies together, can let us live very substantial. At school, we won't feel lonely, has many friends in our side. At school I very happy!

希望您能够满意这个答案 谢谢!




my class


my class is like a big familyi love it very muchin the big family has my favourite teachers and my lovely classmatesthe fllowing is something aboout my class


in the class time,we all listen to the teachers carefully,after class ,we play togethersometimes the teachers will take part in our activities


in our part time ,we will do something meaningful,such as listen to the music,drawing pictures,makeing some cards and so onafter school ,we often go home together if we have the same way to go so ,i think our class is not only a class ,but a big family


this is my class,a big family,i love it forever



My favorite thing to do on a small reporter classes, because, so you can experience the joy of the interview, you can explore the vast world, you can go to see if the community can also get a lot of knowledge, a small reporter is to combine theory and practice of a course .

Whenever I interview are confident, I believe I can successfully complete the interview, and will be carefully recorded. I remember one time, the teacher let us write the interview live draft, I wrote with relish, no noise no trouble, a lot of small reporters they could not think of what to write, all that worry, but I want to come, probably because I seriously After listening to introduce aunt it! I finished, on to the teacher.

Through this activity enhances the confidence of small reporter who cultivate the ability to handle emergencies, broaden their horizons and enrich social experience for the healthy growth of young reporters erected stage. So wonderful freeze in an instant, it turned into the eternal memory, we use the practice to witness the colorful and full of new growth history.

Finally, on the road of life, I will not live up to the teacher to re-look, marching footsteps of those good reporters go all the way.





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